Welcome to SYMple 2.0!

SYMple (Serve Yourself Marketing) takes e-mail marketing to the next level. Our easy-to-use templates allow you to communicate with your customers quickly and cost-effectively.

With SYMple 2.0, you can create and manage e-mail contact lists, track your e-mail campaigns, add custom fields to target specific contacts, and much more.

Our powerful tracking features provide details on the campaign’s activity and results. You’ll also be in charge of who has access to your account, as well as managing the settings and choosing add-on features that best suit your needs.

E-mail Campaigns

SYMple 2.0 allows you to create your own e-mail campaigns and send them to your customer lists in a variety of ways. It’s easy to send birthday greetings, event reminders and timely special offers to specific customers in your contact lists, or create a recurring campaign that continues to spread your message.

Easy Client Management: You’ll have up-to-the-minute data about the number of e-mails you’ve sent during the month, campaign performance and more.

Reporting and Analyzing

With any marketing activity, monitoring of activity and results is critical. Built-in tools like our dashboard and campaign reports help you analyze results quickly and easily.

Contact Lists

Great e-mail marketing begins and ends with solid lists of interested customers. Use our list-building tools to create and manage lists, opt-in processes and adhere to legal and current Internet requirements that will make sure your e-mails are delivered successfully.

SYMple 2.0 makes e-mail marketing to your customers quick, easy and affordable. Get started today!

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